This is a landing page for E.F. Schraeder’s news. As a human being, Schraeder is not online. They exist in corporeal form, not in in the cloud… But if you’re looking for book news, bios, reviews, links to what they’re reading, or other nerdy things, this is probably the place.
This is not a blog. Just a list of bookish stuff. It’s probably not up to date. Life’s short. They’re outside. Hopefully playing with a dog, climbing a tree, or tending to a fragile hot pepper garden. They hope you go outside too, so stop reading.
bio (50 words): E.F. Schraeder writes about not quite real worlds. Nominated for the Pushcart, Rhysling, and other awards for poetry, Schraeder’s work has appeared in many journals and anthologies. Their full length publications include The Price of a Small Hot Fire (Raw Dog Screaming Press, 2023), What Happened Was Impossible (Ghoulish Books, 2023), and other works.
(75 words): Author of the poetry collection, The Price of a Small Hot Fire (Raw Dog Screaming Press, 2023), the novella What Happened Was Impossible (Ghoulish Books, 2023), and other works, E.F. Schraeder’s creative work has appeared in many journals and anthologies, and their novella Liar: Memoir of a Haunting was an Imadjinn Award finalist (2022). Co-editor of the feminist charity anthology In Trouble (Omnium Gatherum, 2023), Schraeder believes in ghosts, magic, and dogs.